Thursday, January 8, 2009

Small Group Christmas Party

As we do every year our small group had their Christmas party, complete with games and white elephant. It was lots of fun, though this year we didn't do the gingerbread house contest. We all made something and got together with at the Coombs and hung out. The first game we played was with dice...not it wasn't a gambling game. Brandon and Jess had wrapped up a present in duck tape, clear tape, and everything you could think of. Then everyone had their turn at rolling dice, if you got doubles then you had to put on winter gloves and a scarf and open the present. Everyone kept rolling dice till someone got the the middle. Stephnie ended up gettin the prize, it was a Reindeer Pooper. Then we had white elephant gifts. Ross and I came home with a welcome sign and a huge coffee mug. But there were things from tomato shower caps to games to sweets. Ross and I brought an FBI Crime solving kit and a tin of my baked goodies.

Jenn & Kate opening the baked goodies.

Cole got a turkey decoy, good for a hat.

Jason and his tomato shower cap

Jessica got Ross's FBI kit

Lorren got a picture of Josh Carroll and then it was stolen by Allen (he wanted the frame...right)