Thursday, January 8, 2009

House progress

December's goal was to get the front bedroom painted. Well it's half painted and the extra bathroom only had trim left on it (I know I haven't done my job). With all my family and then Ross' family coming down for Christmas and New Years we needed to get the front bedroom at least livable. It was the only room in the house that still smelled disgusting!!!! So off to work we went...well more like Ross went cause I was baking. But, he did amazing!!! He started by putting a second coat on the extra bathroom. All I have left is the trim in there. Then he killzed and put 3 or 4 coats on the bedroom. It amazes me that a dark paint takes 3 or 4 coats to cover the wall and make it look like the actual color. When a light coat of paint only takes 1 or 2 coats. You'd think it be opposite. But, now the pink bedroom only has the trim and orange to go. You guessed it that room in the majority maroon with the top six inches being orange (GO HOKIES!!!). We offically have half of our Virginia Tech room done. I only have a few pictures, I thought I took more but must not have so here's the few I have.

The walls getting as smooth as we can get them.

Killzing the pink away!!!!

Killzing the pink



The Maroon

See the top orange isn't done yet.

Still needs another coat of maroon.

Notice the blue tape is still not gone, I really have to get on this project.

The bright teal-blueish color...not sure how to explain it.

Mom got us bright yellow bath mats (Thank you again mom)

The shower curtian Ross's mom gave us went perfect (Thank you so much)

As for the list....

1. Finish wood in closets.
2. Killz kitchen
4. Paint hall, entry, and kitchen
5. Look for tile because it's the next major project
6. Finish front bedroom and trim in bathroom

So that's 3 things crossed off and 1 thing added. Not bad.