Well we finally did more work on the house, it's only been ummm...well we won't go there. I got a week of in October for fall break and so Ross and I decided to do some work. Plus we had a Halloween party that we wanted certain things done for. We started with putting wood down in the entry. This was a task that took us most of the break. Who would have though that tearing up linoleum would be so hard and tedious! Ross and I decided that we would tear up carpet any day over tearing up linoleum!!! The actually linoleum came up really easy, Ross just pulled on it and it was done, out the door and in the trailer. However, the fiber board underneith, o my!!! We think the people that put it down were confinced that it they didn't put a staple every centimeter that it was going to come up! It tok a good day to get the fiber board up and then came the long long job of either taking the staples out our pounding them in! Before you could do anythign with the staples you had to get the fiber board from under it and then you could start pounding, that's the option we took, much easier. After 2 or 3 nights of me pounding we were FINALLY ready to begin the wood. That went really quick!! We got the whole entry done in a day or so, mind you there one piece left to do in the closet but other then that it's done. So our goal of gettin the entry wooded and the extra bathroom painted over break didn't happen. We still say give us carpet anyday over linoleum!!! Here are some pictures of the whole process. Plus some pictures of the cats "helping" us.
1. Finish wood in closets.
2. Killz front room, and finish kitchen
4. Paint front bedroom, finish extra bath, hall, entry, and kitchen
5. Look for tile because it's the next major project
Two more things off the list this time, 2 and a half if you could the extra bath being half painted.
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