Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cleansing hurts.

"Laziness casts one into a deep sleep,
And an idle person will suffer hunger." -Proverbs 19:15

"Blows that hurt cleanse away evil,
As do the stripes the inner depths of the heart." -Proverbs 20:30

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the hearts." -Proverbs 21:2

Over the past month I have found it harder and harder to come home and start cleaning or working on the house. The enemy so easily tempts me to watch TV or get on the computer and surf facebook for hours. In the past few days God has constantly convicted me that what I am doing is sin and I need to repent of it. He has been showing me that even though I think I deserve this 'down time' after work and that it is a 'right' I am entitled to; it is not a right but blatant laziness!!

I am not saying that we should never rest or that we should always work because there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us there is a time work and rest).

However, what I am saying is that my going home and vegging in front of the computer or TV is a very selfish act that from the outside didn't look like sin, but from my selfish heart it was. In reading Proverbs there are many passages about laziness and I read over them thinking that's not me, Ross and I are getting a lot done on the house over the weekend and I'm not being lazy at all. I thought that until I read Proverbs 21:2, which is about how man thinks his ways are right but the LORD looks at the heart. OUCH!! That one hurt Father, but then I remembered right before that I had read, Proverbs 20:30, talking about how cleansing evil out hurts. So here I sit in full reality of my sin and desiring a change. Going from thinking God wanted me to rest and called me to waste this time after work, to realizing that God has really called me to be a good steward of the time and things He has given me. God gave Ross and I this house, there is no denying that! There is much work to be done to get it clean, painted, and in order. We know God is going to use our house for many good things or we wouldn't have gotten it, but we know it needs to be out of the state it is in now. Right now no one can really stay the night, much less really move around in it because of all the boxes and painting/flooring supplies.

I am not saying it has to be perfect for God to use it, or for people to come over. I know God can use anything, even our crazy, messed up, full of boxes house. What I am saying right now it is not the most inviting atmosphere and that when finished it can be used for so much more! God gave this to us for us to finish it not to do a half job.

I am a woman, called by my amazing God to watch over the affairs of my house (paraphrased Proverbs 31:27a) and I am failing miserably!! But God is patient with me and refining me to be more like Him, to follow His ways. I stand here amazed at His love, forgiveness, and patience with me as I try to listen and follow His lead. God is a God of forgiveness and I praise Him for that!!