Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I took the plunge

Ross and I decided to start a blog, I resisted for the longest time but I was worn down. We did monthly updates for while but I always missed something so here's to not missing anything we do!! Hopefully I can keep up with this, pray that I do.

So here's a update on what we've been doing....

We've been married a little over a year and we're still loving every minute of it! I have finished my first year at Southeastern seminary. We have bought a house and moved. I have started working at the Twisted Fork again as well as a nanny for a 3 year old. Ross is still at Leith Honda and trying to change shifts. Right now he works 12-9pm, but he would love to work 8-5p. Pray that that happens soon. And I have taken and successfully finished my first 4 day summer class.

My first year at seminary was full of ups and downs. It was much harder than I thought it would be. But God taught me a lot about trusting Him. I learned so much about counseling, it definitely increased my passion for it. I got to take a marital and premarital counseling class, that made me want to go into that type of counseling. This year I also changed my major, (I know I got all the way through college without doing it why start now?) well I went from a Master of Divinity to a Master of Arts. I am still in the counseling program, I just found out I have to take a lot of classes that are not required by the seminary to be licensed by the state. All these extra classes mean I'll be here until 2011. God is teaching me patience along with a lot of other things in this journey.

The house we bought is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1330 sq ft house. It was foreclosed on and needed work, lots of work. We are in the process of making it ours. Each room is getting painted and new flooring. Slowly new lights will go up and we will figure out our weird electrical system (some lights randomly turn off after a few minutes of being on without you touching the switch). While we were in the process of closing we bug bombed, actually flea bombed, the house for four weeks straight because there was a MAJOR flea problem. The day we moved in it smelled like cat pee and we are just now gettin rid of it 3 weeks later. Most of the house is sub-floor right now, some if killzed to get rid of the cat pee and some isn't. Right now the master bedroom is floored and painted. The master bath is painted (Tile will come later). And the living room is in the process of being painted. So hopefully this weekend we will be flooring the living room!!! Here are a few pictures...

The entry to our master bedroom. Yellow brick road walls and bamboo floors.

Our bedroom all finished and my very tired husband.

Our master bathroom which is a light blue and is done just forgot to take a picture.

Our living room, it's wet coral, goes on peach dries a orange-red.

So that's what we've been up to. If you want to see more pictures.... What it looked like when we started, Move-in/Bedroom progress, Living Room/Hall progress. So that's a little bit of an update, we'll keep you updated on our lives.


Melissa said...

I'm glad to see you started a blog. I will add it to my blog roll :) Your house looks great! Love those Bamboo floors!!!!

Sher Vogel said...

wow! this looks awesome, guys! Congrats on OWNing something :) I'm so proud of you.

you can def come visit for some fball games. we can all sleepover in my room :) there is plenty :) (and we have other space as well).

Miss and love you guys so mcuh. Give me a call Sunday or after and we can holla :)